Understand Your Data and Find Performance!

Many engineers and coaches look at data without purpose and therefore do not derive the insights that they should. What are you looking at? Why are you looking at it?

Before you even open up your data, one of my key philosophies is to open with some sort of hypothesis, or intention to investigate and compare.

With this approach you can begin deriving insight straight away and know exactly where to look in your data. This saves times, reduces confusion, and gives you direction and purpose.

This guide provides you with the checks to look for in both Single Lap Telemetry and Comparison Lap Telemetry.

Single Lap Telemetry is when you just look at your own data and want to know if you're doing a good job, and where the areas for improvement might be.

Comparison Lap Telemetry involves comparing 2 laps (either both yours, or you and another driver) to derive further insight using the delta, and understand your strengths and weaknesses. It is important to resolve for your weaknesses and hold onto your strengths.

This complete guide also speaks to 'how to use the friction circle' and 'how to use downforce' in one guide!

After getting this guide you will be inspired to open up your telemetry and look for the same checks, and use the same methodology that I teach you throughout this guide.

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